A Day of Difficulties

But it's all going to be OK. Just breathe.......

After spaying the undercoat on the tank last weekend, I decided to leave the tank masked up to save time and to ensure the none of the undercoat showed on the finished product. This contributed to my second difficulty which I will explain in a moment.

So it almost was a complete disaster,  I had just mixed the base coat with the thinners and poured in to the gun when my wife not meaning to, startled me and I dropped the pot of freshly mixed paint on the floor.  The blessing came after I had cleaned up and was mixing a new pot, I discovered I had used the wrong thinners in the first batch which would have cause the paint to craze and would of meant completely starting from Scratch.

Now back to the second issue some of the masking tape I used left a lot of residue after being left on the tank for a week.  It took a lot of removing, I found that wax and grease remover worked the best for this job.

The tape residue, removed with wax and grease remover.

All clean, just a few edges to tidy before clear coating.

The third issue I had came down to the Tasmanian winter, it  was only 13 degrees Celsius  when I applied the first coast of clear so I got a couple of runs, but no worries they will be easy to sand out and will be covered by the next two coats of clear. 

One coat of clear, two to go.

The runs can be seen right at the bottom.

I hope to complete the tank next weekend and install the filler cap and badges.
