A Time To Shine

And by shine I mean polishing, lot's of polishing.....

I have decided to go with just two coats of clear, this meant that I could block the tank back today with some 1200 wet and dry sand paper followed by 1500 then 2000 before polishing.

The paint shop guy recommended Juice Q cut polish, now after using it I feel I get a better finish with 3M finess it.

My large buff is just too big for this size job so I have opted for the drill option with a 100 mm polish kit, mainly because I'm just too lazy to complete the job by hand.

Shine starting to show.

A few hours on and I am able to clean off all the polish dust and apply the new badges that I bought from Munich motor cycles on the mainland. 

Background my shed is desperate for a clean.

Time to roll her out in to the light and admire my handy work. 

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
